Sunday, January 31, 2010

New York City, a busy place full of busy people. Shopping, working, socializing, trying ot make ends meat in the every man for himself society humans thrive under. In an Manhattan subway one tumbles upon all sorts of different people, tall, short, intellectual, or homeless, everyone's unique, and within this abundance of people lies Summer Shields, a young white female with barely enough time to finish her Alice Sebold novel while working two jobs.
April 6th 2004 is just another hectic day in Summer's life. She wake's up before the sun rises on the upper east side, hops on her tredmill and watches the sun, boroughed between two skyscrapers, find its way to the sky and aluminate the city. Before the city's beauty is able to sink in to her glowing face, Summer is off to take a quick shower and prepare for the rest of her day.
6:45 a.m., withink 25 minutes of her run, Summer is out the door, her 7 o'clock yoga class is waiting. Just a few blocks from her apartment, she gulps down a protein shake while power walking to 24 fitness, where the faint eyes of her unenthusiatic yoga lovers wait for her to arrive, unfortunately it is her job to brighten their day. An hour later, and she's out of there, giving each of her students a quick hug.
Today is different than every other busy day in Summer's life, today she heads down the street to meet her boyfriend, Kevin, of ten months at Le Petit Cafe, a local coffee shop. Unfortunately, this is the last twenty minutes he'll be spending with her. As a struggling artist, his make it or break it lifestyle had left him at a dead end in his relationship with Summer. At first, she was intrigued by his mysterious sensitivity, but just like everything else in her life, he got old, and she was ready to move on to bigger and better things. As she walked out with a fresh cup of coffee to go, she left her seemingly distraut ex to ponder what he could've done differently, but he'd never find an answer.
As she walks amongst hundreds of others in a rush to make her subway, that is leaving in approximately ten minutes, she takes out the Almost Moon, her favorite Alice Sebold novel. As she walks slong the busy street and down the stairs that lad to her next destination, she realizes how drained her relationshi[p with Kevin had been, she chuckles then takes out her blackberry and checks yet another thing off her to do list.